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(1) How do I submit an abstract? 我該如何提交論文摘要?

Please refer to "Submission & Registration".
請參考"Submission & Registration"版面。


(2) How many papers can I present at the forum? 我可發表多少篇論文?

Each participant can present only ONE paper at the forum.


(3) How long will it take me to find out whether my application has been accepted? 我甚麼時候會得知申請結果?

Results of your application will be released in October and November through email.


(4) Can I submit a panel proposal? 我可以提交小組申請嗎?

We only accept individual papers. Panel proposals will NOT be considered.


(5) Is there any registration fee for the forum if my proposal is accepted? 確認申請獲接納後,我需要繳交註冊費嗎?

Upon acceptance of proposal, participants will be required to pay a registration fee of HKD 300.


(6) In what language should the paper be written? What is the language of the presentation? 論文需以甚麼語言撰寫? 論壇的匯報以甚麼語言進行?

Abstract needs to be written in English. The paper can be written in English or Chinese. All presentation will be conducted in English. 


(7) Are there any scholarships available? 論壇主辦者會頒發獎學金嗎?

10 scholarships covering the registration fee and accommodation for the duration of the forum will be awarded based on merit and need. 


(8) What is the arrangement of accommodation? 論壇期間的住宿如何安排?

Details will be released soon


If your question is not listed above, feel free to inquire at anthforum@cuhk.edu.hk.
