CUMT Career Talk 2024: Paving Your Way to Positions in Cultural Management
Don’t you want to know…
- What kind of jobs are available in this field?
- How can I be more competitive?
- What should I study or prepare before graduation?
- How is the working environment?
- What are the main differences between various types of cultural institutions?
- How should I plan my study and my career path?
It is our great honor to have CUMT alumni Mr. Jerry Cho, Ms. Priscilla Kong and Ms. Katie Hui to share their experience in the field of cultural management and provide their advice on job search and career planning to students. Students are genuinely encouraged to join this talk to gain more in-field knowledge and get well-prepared for their career goals.
CUMT Alumni Speakers:
Mr. Jerry Cho |
Ms. Priscilla Kong |
Ms. Katie Hui |
地点:Esther Lee Building (ELB) 207
Register Now!
“What’s Next?” – CUMT Career Talk 2022
BA programme in Cultural Management is going to organize a CUMT Career Talk titled “What’s Next?” to talk about planning of postgraduates studies from the perspective of CUMT alumni and hence how it could influence your future career planning.
It is our great honor to have our alumni Mr. Louis CHEUNG (i.e. Liaison Officer in HKSAR Government) and Ms. Vanessa LEUNG (i.e. Assistant Arts Administration Manager in Premiere Performances of Hong Kong) to share their experience on planning postgraduates studies as well as career planning, which of course in includes tips on CV writing, preparation of reference letter, job search, etc. Students are genuinely encouraged to join this talk to gain more in-field knowledge and get well-prepared for their future studies & career goals.
If you are interested, please kindly do registration through clicking this by 21 November 2022. The zoom link and password would be sent to the registered the day before the event.
地点:Online via Zoom
Mr. Louis CHEUNG (i.e. Liaison Officer in HKSAR Government)
Ms. Vanessa LEUNG (i.e. Assistant Arts Administration Manager in Premiere Performances of Hong Kong)
Medium: Cantonese

「劃出文管路」生涯計劃分享會 2021
文化管理文學士課程將於3月27日舉辦「劃出文管路」生涯計劃分享會2021。榮幸邀請到文化管理文學士課程的校友回來母校 ,向大家分享他們在文化管理行業的求職心得及職場經驗。
文化管理學生應如何裝備自己,提升行業競爭力? 行業的想像與真實概況差距多少? 各位師弟師妹可以把握機會跟來自行業中不同範疇的前輩交流,為生涯規劃做好準備!
日期: 2021 年03 月27日 (星期六)
時間: 早上11:00 – 中午12:30
語言: 廣東話
日期:2021年3月27日 - 2021年3月27日
香港中文大學文化管理文學士課程將於8月21日舉辦「劃出文管路」生涯計劃分享會。榮幸邀請到文化管理文學士課程的校友江勵賢小姐、梁穎宜小姐及徐思玥小姐回來母校 ,向大家分享他們在文化管理行業的求職心得及職場經驗。
文化管理學生應如何裝備自己,提升行業競爭力? 行業的想像與真實概況差距多少? 各位師弟師妹可以把握機會跟來自行業中不同範疇的前輩交流,為生涯規劃做好準備!
日期: 2020 年08 月21日 (星期五)
時間: 晚上7:30 – 9:00
語言: 粵語
歡迎中大師生、校友參加。 如有興趣,請於08月20日前按此網上報名。
如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵至jtslam@cuhk.edu.hk 或致電3943-9219與林小姐聯絡。
地点:香港中文大學鄭裕彤樓 演講廳四