Chung Chi Wind Orchestra Masterclass Series - Flute Masterclass by Prof. Yan Qi
Time: 3-5 PM
Venue: LG04, Hui Yeung Shing Building, CUHK
Free admission | Free seating | All are welcome
Colloquium Lecture by Prof. Nancy Rao

Title: Archive of the Invisible: Cantonese Opera and the Transpacific Community in 19th Century California 

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Venue: LG04, Hui Yeung Shing Building


27 JAN 25 | MON
Prof. Kai-Young Chan’s latest monograph Cantonese choral album, “Constraints/Creativity”,  is now out on Navona Records. Streaming on all major platforms, the album is the first of its kind to be published by an international classical label.    The album was recorded by Die Konzertisten under the direction of Felix Yeung (BA 09’), and produced by Prof. Chan and Kessay Chan (BA 20’).    Read more about the album here: https://www.navonarecords.com/catalog/nv6687/
6 DEC 24 | FRI
Congratulations to CHEN Shuaike (DMus) for winning the third prize at the 13th Rivers Awards International Composition Competition. For more details, please visit https://www.shcmusic.edu.cn/2024/1126/c1403a56386/page.htm
8 NOV 24 | FRI
Congratulations to Professor David Gwilt on receiving ‘CASH Hall of Fame Awards 2024’ in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the music industry. Professor Gwilt joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1970 and has been an active part of Hong Kong's music scene ever since. In 1992, Professor Gwilt was awarded an MBE for services to music and the arts in Hong Kong. He was awarded a Honoary Fellowship of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 1996 and the title of Emeritus Professor of Music by The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1998. A warm ovation from the Department for Professor Gwilt! Photo: Karen Sung and Harry Chiu perform the classic piece ‘Sonatina’ by Professor David Gwilt.