Every year, the Department of Music offers non-credit-bearing internships for students. The nature of work is diverse, including arts administration, orchestral performance, and teaching in primary and secondary schools. These opportunities enable students to explore areas related to their career aspirations, learn first-hand how arts organizations and schools operate, get a taste of the work that professional music practitioners and teachers do on a daily basis, and enrich their CV’s.
In 2024/25, 6 host organizations are offering a total of 15 internship placements to CUHK music undergraduates. An honorarium or allowance is offered for some but not all intern placements. The Music Department Internship Scheme 2024/25 involves the following organizations:
  1. Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble
  2. Music Children Foundation
  3. Sound of the Earth Music and Arts Foundation Limited 
  4. RhapsoArts Management Limited
  5. St. Paul’s Co-educational College Primary School
  6. Yat Po Singers

Details concerning the nature and time commitment of each intern placement can be found here: PDF

All full-time Music major students in any year of study are welcome to apply. Successful applicants are required to sign an Agreement of Commitment before commencing their internships and to submit a reflective report after completing them. Feedback and evaluation from the host organizations on the interns’ performance will also be collected and reported to the Board of Studies.

Important Dates

  • Call for applications: August 2024
  • Application deadline: 13 September 2024 (end of Week 2)
  • Selection Interview: late September 2024 (Week 3 or Week 4)


How to apply

  1. Submit the Online Application Form (click HERE) by 13 September 2024
  2. Upload the following materials to the Online Application Form by 13 September 2024:
    1. one-page CV;
    2. CUHK unofficial transcript (Year 1 student please upload a copy of your DSE result).


Guided Questions for Statement of Purpose


  • Why are you interested in the position?
  • What experience or skill set do you have for the position?
  • What other qualities do you have that could have make you a good candidate for the position?


July 2024