粵語合唱創作示範講座 Cantonese Text-setting in Choral Music
FRI 28 APR 2023 | 7:30 PM


粵語旋律如何才「啱音」? 電腦程式可以寫啱音」的旋律嗎合唱音樂往往有多於一條旋律同時唱一樣的文字,這種情況如何做到「啱音」,又可以有豐富的和聲趣味? 示範講座將分享粵語合唱音樂的寫作技巧,預備樂譜的心得,介紹粵語現代音樂的其他可能性,並演出陳啟揚教授、陳偉光教授、劉奕朗的創作。

預先登記,免費入場: https://bit.ly/canto-choral

講者:陳啟揚教授 (粵語演講)


Cantonese Text-setting in Choral Music

This lecture demonstration for a general audience will share the latest research on the constraints of text-setting and choral textures in Cantonese choral music, introduce the web application "Cantonese Melody Generator, followed by performances of works by Hong Kong composers including Prof. Chan Kai-Young, Prof. Victor Chan, and Lau Yik Long. 

Free admission with registration: https://bit.ly/canto-choral

Speaker: Prof. Chan Kai-Young  (In Cantonese)