Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



The Present Situation and Future of Research on Buddhist Manuscripts


Professor Ji Yun (Director of Academic Affairs and Chief Librarian of Buddhist College of Singapore)


2 Mar 2023 (Thursday)




Webinar: ZOOM Meeting & WeChat Channels


ZOOM ID: 910 6024 1050; Wechat Channels: 香港中大人間佛研中心




Buddhist manuscripts are of great significance to Buddhist research. This lecture will briefly introduce the collection and research of Buddhist manuscripts around the world by regions. These include non-Chinese Buddhist manuscripts and Chinese Buddhist manuscripts discovered in the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. The former includes Sanskrit Buddhist manuscripts in Nepal in South Asia, Pali and Sanskrit Buddhist manuscripts in Sri Lanka, Buddhist manuscripts in Pali and local languages in Southeast Asian countries, Gilgit Buddhist manuscripts in northern South Asia, and Gandhara in Central Asia. Manuscripts, Buddhist manuscripts in Sanskrit in Central Asia and China, Buddhist manuscripts in Hu language in Central Asia, Buddhist manuscripts in Tibetan and Mongolian in Central Asia, etc. The latter mainly includes Dunhuang and Turpan Buddhist manuscripts in China, and scriptures collected in monasteries in Japan.


Professor Ji Yun is currently an associate professor, Deputy Dean and Chief Librarian of the Buddhist College of Singapore. His main research interests lie in Buddhist literature, the history of southern Buddhism before the Sui Dynasty, the history of scripture translation, modern overseas Buddhist archives and materials, etc. He has published monographs On Huijiao's Biographies of eminent monks and The Subtlety of Buddhavacana: the Development and Transmission of Buddhist Literature; translated works Philological studies of Chinese Buddhist Literature and A Philological Approach to Buddhism (joint-translation); more than 30 academic papers translated from English to Chinese; There are more than 30 academic papers, conference papers and book reviews.