Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Trees Move to Different Lands: The Spreading Model of Han Buddhism in North America in the 20th Century


Prof. Shi Rongdao (Assistant Professor of East Asian Studies, School of Religious of McGill University, Canada)


1 May 2023 (Monday)




Webinar: ZOOM Meeting & WeChat Channels


ZOOM ID: 910 6024 1050; WeChat Channels:香港中大人間佛研中心




Since the 1950s and 1960s, with the changes in the immigration policies of the United States and Canada, as well as geopolitical factors in Asian countries, number of Chinese immigrants in the Uni-ted States and Canada has gradually increased, and Han Buddhism has also entered a stable development. Compared with the later Taiwanese Humanistic Buddhist Orders, these early Chinese Buddhist monasteries were smaller in scale and their propagation modes were more complicated, but they laid a foundation that cannot be ignored for the promotion and spread of Han Buddhism in North America. This lecture attempts to explore and analyze the spread mode of Han Buddhism in North America in the 20th century through Lay People Buddhism, student monk network and Dharma line network.


Shi Rongdao, assistant professor of East Asian Studies of the School of Religious in McGill Universi-ty, Canada, has served as an assistant professor of the School of Religion of University of Southern California, a postdoctoral researcher at the Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore, and a scholar of the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Global Buddhist Studies Pro-gram. Her main research areas are the modernization of Han Buddhism, Buddhist education, dharma network, transnational Buddhism and identity. Her monographs include Citizen Bodhisattvas: Education, Student-Monks, and Citizenship in Modern Chinese Buddhism (Brill: forthcoming).