Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Call for Papers

Call for Papers

  1. The Studies in Humanistic Buddhism (SHB) publishes scholarly papers and book reviews on a wide range of topics in the fields of Buddhist studies. One issue will be edited and produced per year. The submission deadline is August 31st. From Issue 9 onwards, printed copies will be completed in January.
  2. Submitted papers will be evaluated in the normal double-blind process and peer-reviewed by experts in relevant research field. The author should avoid including in the paper any information that might reveal his/her identity, and will be informed if the paper is deemed either acceptable or unsuitable. All submitted manuscripts will not be returned to authors.
  3. SHB will not accept any published work regardless on papers or on the internet unless with the editorial board’s permission. Conference papers are accepted only if they have not been published before.
  4. SHB accepts papers written in traditional Chinese character within 25,000 characters, and in English within 15,000 words. Book review should normally be no more than 5,000 characters/words. All papers in Chinese should be written in the SHB style. Submissions in English must follow The Chicago Manual of Style. An abstract and keywords should be written in both Chinese and English, and reference is necessary. Papers should be emailed as an attachment in Word as well as in PDF format to the email address given below.
  5. Plagiarism is forbidden. All quotation from both firsthand and secondhand references should be given sources in details. SHB disclaims responsibility for any dispute caused by author’s plagiarization.
  6. Please fill in the form found on the Centre’s website with your Chinese and English name, institution, professional title, address, telephone, fax and email address and send it to us together with your paper.
  7. SHB entitles to change the style of accepted papers. Submitting authors should revise their papers according to editorial board’s suggestion.
  8. The decisions of the editorial board are final.
  9. SHB proclaims the right to compile and publish the papers from SHB in a relevant collection.
  10. No fee will be charged or provided for publishing your paper in SHB. All authors whose papers are accepted will be presented five copies of SHB on publication.


    • By Post: “Studies in Humanistic Buddhism” Editorial Board, The Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, Room 204, Fung King Hey Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
    • Email: cshb@cuhk.edu.hk (Please title “Paper Submission”)
    • Tel: (852) 3943 5938
    • Fax: (852) 2603 5621


Submission Form

Reviewer Form for Research Papers on “Humanistic Buddhism”