The Faculty of Arts Research Postgraduate Peer Buddy Scheme 2024-2025 is now accepting applications. The Scheme provides 1st year research postgraduate (RPg) students with a support network of peers outside their own RPg programmes.

To provide 1st year research postgraduate (RPg) students with a support network of peers outside their own RPg programmes.
1st year RPg students will be paired with an experienced 2nd year, 3rd or 4th year RPg student, who will serve as the peer buddy for the 1st year RPg student. The students will be paired for one academic year.
Peer buddies will be matched from different Graduate Divisions in the Faculty of Arts to expand students’ peer networks within the Faculty. The Graduate Divisions in the Faculty of Arts are:
- Anthropology
- China Studies
- Chinese Language and Literature
- Cultural Studies
- English
- Fine Arts
- History
- Japanese Studies
- Linguistics
- Music
- Philosophy
- Religious Studies
- Translation
RPg students who join the peer buddy scheme benefit from meeting students from other disciplines in the Faculty of Arts and expanding their research and social networks. They may also enrich their experience of CUHK’s research culture.
In addition,
1st year students will benefit from developing a support network of peers outside of their own academic programmes.
2nd + year students will benefit from serving as a peer buddy as they can support 1st year students in adjusting to a new academic environment. In addition, serving as a peer buddy to junior researchers is also a part of professional development and can be listed on students’ CV. RPg students who serve as peer buddies will also receive a certificate for serving as a buddy for one year.
- All RPg students in the Faculty of Arts are eligible to join the scheme.
- 1st year RPg students who join the scheme will receive a peer buddy.
- 2nd year or above can apply to become buddies to 1st year RPg students.
- RPg students who have been selected into the scheme to serve as buddies will first participate in a one-hour training workshop.
- After the workshop, they will be paired with one or maximally two 1st year RPg student(s). As much as possible, the pairs will be interdisciplinary, with students from different RPg programmes.
- Buddies are expected to provide support and guidance to 1st year students in informal settings so they may get a better picture of what it is like to pursue MPhil/PhD at CUHK.
- The Faculty of Arts will arrange two social events – one in term 1 and one in term 2 – for students to meet their buddies. Students are expected to arrange minimally two additional meet ups during the academic year.
- Conversation topics during meet ups are up to the peer buddies but the tone should be supportive, informal and respectful of everyone. Suggested topics include: adjusting to academic life, CUHK and Hong Kong; university processes and resources; and study and time management skills.
- At the end of the year, students in the scheme will be asked to fill out a brief survey about their experiences, so that the programme can be improved for the following academic year.
Application Procedure
Fill in the online application form to express your interest by the application deadline.
1st year RPg Students – Sign up for a Buddy
2nd Year or above RPg Students – Become a Buddy
Application Deadline
30 September 2024
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