Dr. WU Weiping

Chinese Language Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Interests:
- Performance-based language teaching and testing
- Cross-cultural communication and cross-cultural training
- Language and law and issues related to linguistic applications in the legal field
Academic Publications:
- Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: The Hong Kong model (華語二語教學的香港模式).《世界華文教學》創刊號. (2015).
- Language and social life: Perspectives on court interpretation (語言與社會生活:法庭翻譯面面觀). 《澳門語言文化研究》.Macao. (2015).
- The “naked phenomena” in CSL teaching and learning and efforts for contextualization (華語二語教學中的“三裸”現象及“去裸”實踐).《漢語國際傳播研究》第2期. (2015).
- Chinese education: teaching models and teacher training (華語文教育:教學模式與教師培訓).《華文世界》. (2015).
- How to implement the concept of a pragmatic approach in teacher training (關於語用為綱理念在教師培訓中如何落實的探討).《華文教學與研究》第4期. (2013).
- Speaking appropriately: Revelation from sociolinguistics (說話得體: 來自社會語言學的啓示).In Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: A sociolinguistic perspective (Ed.). CLC, TheChinese University of Hong Kong (2013).
- Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: A sociolinguistic perspective (Ed.). (語言學與華語二語教學: 社會語言學的研究與實踐). CLC, TheChinese University of Hong Kong (2013).
- Pragmatic framework and its role in language learning: With special reference to Chinese. In W. Chan et al (eds.), Processes and Process-Orientation in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. (pp. 65-90). Germany: De GruyterMouton. (2011).
- A sociolinguistic analysis of language use in a harmonious society (從社會語言學的角度看和諧社會的語言生活).《澳門語言文化研究》, Macao. (2010).
- Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (Ed.).(語言學與華語二語教學) Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong. (2009).