

AECOM (Environmental Consultant in Cultural Heritage Team)

AECOM (Environmental Consultant in Cultural Heritage Team)

Job duties:

1. archaeology/cultural heritage impact assessment; and

2. desktop research, fieldworks, and use of data analysis tools such as GIS.


Duration: 8 weeks (between June and August)

Application: please send cv to pakkinpatrick.lai@aecom.com

Pay: there will be subsidies for the position (around 300 hkd per day based on the ratio last year), but the amount will be confirmed by AECOM after the candidate(s) was selected.  Candidates applying for this internship will be interviewed for recruitment considerations.

Deadline: 31 May 2024


The HKFYG Leadership Institute

Organisation Information

  • The HKFYG Leadership Institute
  • 302 Jockey Club Road, Fanling, NT
  • Business Nature: NGO
  • Website: https://leadershipinstitute.hk
  • Contact Person: Ms Angie HO
  • Email address: ho@leadershipinstitute.hk
  • Tel: 21690255


Internship Information

Position Offered: Programme Coordinator

Job Nature: Education; Event Management; General Administration; Media/ Public Relations; Research/ Survey


Job Duties:

  1. To assist in the preparation of programme briefs, training manuals, evaluation reports and other relevant documents for different leadership programmes;
  2. To innovate and explore new learning modes for existing programmes, for example, Leaders-to-Leaders, Summer School for Global Leadership, etc.;
  3. To support programme design, programme administration and project management of different leadership training programmes;
  4. To conduct research and analysis in a variety of issues (including but not limited to law, justice, education, technology and ethnics, public health, etc.;
  5. To plan and create content for online channels, e.g.: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Website;
  6. To liaise with trainers and partners and coordinate volunteer training, etc.;
  7. To conduct self-initiated projects which could combine students’ learnings to course materials;
  8. To evaluate and reflect on the current courses/programme performance; and
  9. To assist in design and execute lodge programmes for service users


Job Schedule

Summer Internship (Full Time)

  • of working days: 5 days per week
  • of working hours per day
  • Office hours: 10:00 to 18:00
  • No allowance will be provided from the Institute

Semester Time Internship (Part Time)

  • of working days: 2 days per week (minimum)
  • No of working hours: 8 hours per day
  • Office hours: 10:00 to 18:00
  • No allowance will be provided from the Institute


Job Requirements

Language Skills (Spoken and Written):

  • Cantonese, Mandarin, English

Computer Skills:

  • Operating System (Windows, Mac OS)
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
  • Graphic Design (Photoshop, Illustrator)
  • Input Method (English, Chinese)
  • Multimedia Editing (Premiere Pro, Canva)

Other Job Related Skills

  • Research Skills, Design Skills, Project Management, Video shooting,

Other requirements:

  • Good understanding of current affairs and global issues
  • Has experience in Organising large-scale event or Leadership training activities is a plus


Application Details

Expected number of referrals: Unlimited

Documents for applicants: Resume

Interview: There will be a short interview being arranged for the applicants

Walk in Hong Kong 活現香港

As a Project Intern at Walk in Hong Kong, students will have the opportunity to work on real projects and gain valuable experience in their field of study. Our program is designed to provide a supportive and challenging environment where they can develop their skills and work in a fun, yet professional environment.

  • An internship with Walk in Hong Kong typically lasts for around 2 months
  • Must commit to internship for no less than 16 hours per week
  • Flexibility in working days (course schedules of full-time students can be accommodated)
  • Strong organisational skills required
  • Experience in research preferred (e.g. research for school projects)
  • Intermediate to advanced proficiency in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator a plus

Our ideal candidate are:

  • Passionate about Hong Kong history and culture
  • Interested in cultural tourism
  • Creative, curious and analytical
  • Bright, innovative, independent, and with a strong sense of entrepreneurship

For more information and application, please see: https://walkin.hk/careers/interns/

Summerbridge Hong Kong Student Teacher Summer 2023

Interested in teaching or helping the Hong Kong community? Consider applying to be a Summerbridge Hong Kong Student Teacher for the 2023 summer! Summerbridge Hong Kong is a non-profit dedicated to improving the educational trajectories of underprivileged students in the city, with student teachers coming from around the world to make a difference in the lives of youth in Hong Kong. The two videos in the following pages will hopefully give you an idea of the Summerbridge environment, its participants and the services we provide.

Introduction to Summerbridge: click here

The Student Teacher Experience: click here

For more information, visit our website at summerbridge.org.hk , or email us at info@summerbridge.org.hk. Further details about the opportunity can also be found in our online leaflet here.

The 2023 Summer Program runs from June 17 to August 11, 2023, and applications to become a Student Teacher can be found here. The deadline to apply is February 24, 2023. We hope to see you this summer!

Africa Center Hong Kong

Africa Center Hong Kong is a platform & creative hub that fosters value-creating interactions between African and non-African communities in Asia. Our products focus on bridging cultural differences and therefore fostering relations and cultural understandings between communities. We are a social enterprise that understands the need for community representations & diverse experiences thus trying to fulfil those needs through great products & services for our clients with a broader long term view and a firm emphasis on client satisfaction. We are more driven by our great social impact and influential practices of driving conversations through innovation & entrepreneurship. 


For more information, please refer to www.africacenterhk.com

Island Studies Network (HK)

Being a Research Intern at Island Studies Network (HK), students will have the opportunity to work on research projects about islands in Hong Kong. Awarded interns will have the opportunity to work closely with our researchers, gaining hands-on experience and connections with other NGOs. A friendly and challenging working environment with supportive guidance and assistance is designed where they can develop their consolidated research and interview skills.

Duration: May – August 2023

Job Description
– Conducting fieldwork and archival research
– Assisting in interviews and data collection
– Assisting in literature research
– Archiving and documentation
– Other research-related duties and administration support

– Commit to an internship for no less than 10 hours per week
– Experience in research is preferred
– Passionate about Hong Kong’s history and culture
– Frequent outdoor activities required
– Not easy to get seasick

**Travel allowance provided on a reimbursement basis
**Performance Bonus might be awarded satisfactory reached during the working period


To know us more, visit our website at www.isnhk.org .

Interested students, please send your resume with a brief self-introduction in bullet point form to info@isnhk.org .


Student Intern IPSOS Hong Kong

About Ipsos

Ipsos is an independent market research company controlled and managed by research professionals. Founded in France in 1975, Ipsos has grown into a worldwide research group with a strong presence in all key markets. Ipsos ranks third in the global research industry.

Ipsos has been listed on the Paris Stock Exchange since 1999 and generated global revenues of € 1.780 million in 2018.

With offices in 89 countries, Ipsos HK delivers insightful expertise across nine service lines: Brand Health Tracking, Audience Measurement, Heathcare, Ipsos UU, Customer Experience, Channel Performance, Market Strategy & Understanding, Observer & Social Intelligence Analytics.

Ipsos researchers assess market potential and interpret market trends. They develop and build brands. They help clients build long-term relationships with their customers. They test advertising and study audience responses to various media and they measure public opinion around the globe.

Visit www.ipsos.com to learn more about Ipsos’ offerings and capabilities.

Full-time Job

  1. Ipsos is hiring a full-time position for the qualitative team. 
  2. The applicant must be a fresh graduated. 
  3. For other qualification, please see the job description  

Job Description (Full time)

Research Executive (Qualitative)


Part-time Job

  1. Looking for 3 to 4 student helpers to work in our Quantitative and Qualitative Research teams for at least 2 days a week (see job description link below) 
  2. Qualification: Year 4 but not a must.  Students would be considered to transfer to a permanent role after graduation (if suitable) 
  3. Employment period: on-going from now on 
  4. No. of part timers: 2 to 3 (Quantitative), 1 (Qualitative) 
  5. CV with available timeslots must be sent to recruitment.hongkong@ipsos.com. Your CV will be screened out by IPOS.
  6. Each student helper will be paid HKD 70/hour  

Job Descriptions (Part-time)

2021 Student Intern – Qualitative

2021 Student Intern – Quantitative

Summerbridge Hong Kong
  1. recruiting applicants to be student teachers for the upcoming 2021 summer program 
  2. successful applicants will provide tuition-free quality English language education for high-school students in the NGO’s program and gain teaching experience 
  3. the experience of 7.5-week-teaching is inclusive of: teacher training, teaching a subject they are passionate about to a class of 8-10 students, planning events, and working with an energetic and highly diverse team of teachers! 
  4. deadline: March 15 2021
  5. method: send your application to info@summerbridge.org.hk
  6. introduction to Summerbridge(video): click here
    the Student Teacher Experience (video): click here 

About Summerbridge Hong Kong

Established in 1992, Summerbridge Hong Kong is a non-profit organization, which aims to improve the educational trajectories of underprivileged students by providing them with tuition-free quality English language education and life skills development opportunities. For our student teachers, it aims to foster cross-cultural exchange and a sense of civic duty.

Website: https://summerbridge.org.hk/

2021 Summer Program Student Teacher Application

Summer Internship Recruitment 2021 from Office of Ken Tsang Kin Chiu, District Councillor

Internship Recruitment (Summer Internship 2021)

Office of Ken Tsang Kin Chiu, District Councillor, aims for promoting community care, civic participation, community development, and social autonomy. The provision of community plans and activities are implemented to develop environment, health, hygiene, public facilities, social services, recreation, and culture for the community. Through parliamentary governance and community autonomy, we establish community-based and democratic society. We are recruiting innovative, driven, enthusiastic and talented students as our partner below:


Internship Descriptions:

·         Support daily office operations and administration works

·         Handle residents’ enquiry, case work and district affairs

·         Establish research, letters, publicity, and policy advocacy

·         Hold activities and street counters

·         Follow up community issues and parliamentary work

·         Assist in district development and community innovation


Requirements: Associate, Higher diploma, Bachelor or above in any disciplines

Period: June – August 2021

Time: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm (Mon – Fri) (Flexible; work on Sat/Sun if necessary)

Working hours: 160 hours 

Location: Kowloon City District & other districts if necessary

Allowance: Non-subsidized

Rewards: Reference letter is provided to students who complete internships with merits

Application: Interested candidates can send resumes to kentsang.matauwai@gmail.com


It would be much appreciated for taking the time to discuss with Luke Lai, Chief Officer, for details via kentsang.matauwai@gmail.com or 9814 8776 / 3462 2075. I look forward to seeing your reply soon.


Yours faithfully,

Ken, Tsang Kin Chiu 

Kowloon City District Councillor

Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme 2021 - LCSD/Hong Kong Museum of History

I am pleased to inform you that the History Museums Section can offer one internship placement for the students of your department.  The tentative requirements are appended below for your kind arrangement, please –

Period of placement

No. of placement



Between June and August 2021
(for one or two months)


Urban & Oral History

Hong Kong Museum of History

We look forward to another successful collaboration with your Department and your students this year.

Best regards,
Nicole KWOK
Executive Officer I
History Museums Section
Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Africa Center Hong Kong 2021

Africa Center Hong Kong: Africa Center Hong Kong is a platform & creative hub that fosters value-creating interactions between African and non-African communities in Asia. Our products focus on bridging cultural differences and therefore fostering relations and cultural understandings between communities. We are a social enterprise that understands the need for community representations & diverse experiences thus trying to fulfil those needs through great products & services for our clients with a broader long term view and a firm emphasis on client satisfaction. We are more driven by our great social impact and influential practices of driving conversations through innovation & entrepreneurship. 

For more information, please refer to www.africacenterhk.com 


Hospitality and Tourism (please see the attachment

Editorial internship (please see the attachment

Creative Marketer (please see the attachment

Education programmes (please see the attachment

Application: send your cover letter and CV/resume to africacenter.hongkong@gmail.com

Summer Internship at Art Museum, CUHK

A. Aim
The Summer Internship sponsored by the Friends of the Art Museum hopes to provide opportunities for students to familiarize themselves with the structure and work of a museum and to gain practical experience through temporary attachment to the Art Museum.

B. Nature of Work
To assist in various programmes of the Art Museum, including research, cataloguing, publication, mounting of exhibition, publicity and educational activities.

C. Duration

a. The Work-Study Programme takes place in the summer months. The duration is 8 weeks, from 8 Jun to 2 Aug 2021.
b. The intern is expected to put in 39 hours per week.

D. Payment
The intern will receive a stipend of HK$ 16,000 upon completion of the whole intern period.

E. Eligibility
Undergraduate and Postgraduate students in any discipline are eligible to apply. The internship will be awarded to the candidate who is deemed most suitable for the position.

F. How to apply
Application letter together with a brief CV should be sent by email to fion.to@cuhk.edu.hk (email subject: Application for Summer Internship) on or before 18 May 2021.



單位: 廣東省博物館學術期刊部

工作內容:負責《文博學刊》、《藝術與民俗》的編輯、出版和發行等工作, 及博物館相關日常事務與規劃項目等。





(1) 同學如獲選參與實習計劃,需自行負責來往內地與香港兩地的隔離檢疫及費用。

(2) 同學需承擔實習期間交通、個人消費及住宿費用。

(3) 廣東省博物館提供實習生實習期間20元/日的餐費補貼。

(4) 實習生需自己購買實習期間的人生意外傷害保險。

請填寫網上表格及提交履歷(CV) / 成績單(Transcript)

申請截止日期: 17 May 2021




補貼:150 元/天(含稅)


申請方法:請提交cv到 wlam@cuhk.edu.hk  (7月16日前)

Part time opportunity at IPSOS Hong Kong

Job Description


Title: Student Intern – Qualitative


About Ipsos

Ipsos is an independent market research company controlled and managed by research and advisory professionals. Founded in France in 1975, Ipsos has grown into a worldwide research group with a strong presence in all key markets. Ipsos ranks third in the global research industry.

Ipsos has been listed on the Paris Stock Exchange since 1999 and generated global revenues of € 1.837 million in 2020.

With offices in 90 countries, Ipsos HK delivers insightful expertise across nine service lines: Advisory, Brand Health Tracking, Audience Measurement, Healthcare, Ipsos UU, Customer Experience, Channel Performance, Market Strategy & Understanding, Observer & Social Intelligence Analytics.

Ipsos researchers assess market potential and interpret market trends. They develop and build brands. They help clients build long-term relationships with their customers. They test advertising and study audience responses to various media and they measure public opinion around the globe.

Visit www.ipsos.com to learn more about Ipsos’ offerings and capabilities.



  • Conduct desk research to maintain an accurate, complete, up-to-date and insightful understanding on research subjects and clients
  • Assist senior staff in proposal preparation, fieldwork coordination, analysis and report writing
  • Undertake administrative tasks to support research staff on research project execution


  • Bachelors’ or Master’s degree major in Business / Humanities / Social Science a plus
  • Proficient in both written and spoken English and Cantonese, Mandarin a plus
  • Able to handle stress and work independently under time pressure
  • Good analytical thinking, good business sense a plus
  • Good interpersonal skills, be open minded, empathetic, energetic and articulate
  • Ideally a self-starter with good time management; detailed oriented a strong plus


Work Location: Whampoa

Hourly rate: HK$70



Interested parties please send resume with available timeslot to recruitment.hongkong@ipsos.com. All information collected will be used for recruitment purpose only. The Company may retain applications for future opening or other appropriate positions within the Company. Resumes received will be destroyed within 12 months.


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