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Wyman TANG
Wyman TANG

Senior Lecturer

Office NAH 302
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Educational qualification MPhil & PhD, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Wai-man Tang received his PhD in anthropology from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013. His doctoral thesis is on the relationships between heroin use and transnational migration among the second and third generations of Nepalis in Hong Kong. His current research is on South Asian sports, kabaddi, with the focus on two aspects: 1) the cultural politics of worlding kabaddi, and 2) kabaddi as a tool for intercultural education in Hong Kong. For the former, he follows the major kabaddi events and interviews the stakeholders in different levels, including players, coaches, and federation presidents, to understand their passion and struggle in this sport. For the latter, he conducts kabaddi classes in secondary schools and social communities in Hong Kong. He engages people of different ethnic backgrounds in this sport and investigates the impact of this sport on the intercultural competence of the participants.

Research interests

Sports anthropology, drug studies, South Asian studies, Hong Kong studies, migration, ethnicity

Geographical areas of research

South Asia and Hong Kong

Courses taught

  • ANTH1010/UGEC1681 Humans and Culture
  • ANTH2390/UGEC2664 Sports and Culture
  • ANTH1100 Understanding Anthropology
  • ANTH1410/UGEC1835 Culture of Hong Kong
  • UGEA1333 Multiculturalism and China
  • UGEC1685 Drugs and Culture
  • GENA2212 Debate in Human Values
  • GENA1113 STOT

Current research

  • Globalization of South Asian Sport, Kabaddi
  • Intercultural Education and Sport: Teaching Kabaddi in a Multi-Cultural Setting in Hong Kong

Completed Projects (as research team member)

  • Intercultural Education in the Neighborhood: Sustainable Community Innovation and Women’s Empowerment from the Ground Up (March 2018 – August 2019)
  • Interculturalism and Motherhood: Agents of Change in Multicultural Hong Kong (March 2017 – March 2018)


  • Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Future Cities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (July 2016 – September 2017)
  • Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences (May – June 2016)
  • Beat Drugs Fund, Narcotics Division of Hong Kong (September 2009 – February 2010)

Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles & Book Chapters
2024 “‘Community Sports without Communities?’: Community Sports Development in Neoliberal Hong Kong.” In Tobias Zuser and Lawrence Ka-ki Ho, eds., Sport in Hong Kong: Culture, Identity, and Policy, pp.27-46. New York: Peter Lang.
2023 “Intercultural Education and Sports: Teaching Kabaddi in a Multicultural Setting in Hong Kong.” Asian Anthropology 22(4):275-292.
2020 “ ‘You are (Hong Kong) Chinese! You should Understand our Culture!’: Reflections of a Chinese Male Ethnographer on Researching Nepali Drug Users in Hong Kong.” In Shirlena Huang and Kanchana N. Ruwanpura, eds., Handbook on Gender in Asia, pp.28-44. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
2019 (with TAM Siumi Maria and Alan TSE) “Who Needs Intercultural Education? Making Cultural Diversity Work for Hong Kong.” Asia Pacific Journal of Contemporary Education and Communication Technology 5(2):47-57.
2017 “Migration, Marginalization and Metropolitaneity: Negotiation of Masculinities among Nepali Drug Users in Hong Kong.” Gender, Place & Culture 24(2):213-224.
2015 “Entangled in Big Events: Rise in Heroin Use among Children of ex-Gurkhas in Hong Kong.” Substance Use & Misuse 50(7):869-877.
2015 “Effects of Transnational Migration on Drug Use: An Ethnographic Study of Nepali Female Heroin Users in Hong Kong.” International Journal of Drug Policy 26(1):8-14.
2014 “Examining the Relationship between Ethnicity and the Use of Drug-related Services: An Ethnographic Study of Nepali Drug Users in Hong Kong.” Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation 5:53-62.
2013 “Transnational Migration and Heroin Use among Children of ex-Gurkha Soldiers in Hong Kong.” Studies in Nepali History and Society 18(1):33-56.

Other Publications (Research Report and Popular)

2018 “Ajia Taikai Kabaddi Danshi Nihondaihyo no Kiseki” (Japan Kadaddi Male Team’s Track, Asian Games). Lifenesia 280:4. (in Japanese)
2017 (co-edit with TAM Siumi Maria) What are We Celebrating? Multicultural Festivals in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Wheatear Publishing Co Ltd. (in Chinese and English)
2017 “Tamu Lhochhar: Nepali Gurung New Year”, “The Forgotten History of the Gurkhas in Hong Kong.”, and “Celebration of Sinhalese New Year among Sri Lankans”. In Siumi Maria Tam and Wai-man Tang, eds., What are We Celebrating? Multicultural Festivals in Hong Kong, pp.18-31, 68-79, & 92-101. Hong Kong: Wheatear Publishing Co Ltd. (in Chinese and English)
2017 “As a Minority Sport, Kabaddi in Taiwan not only Having their Players Hold their Hands but also Share their Lives.” At https://gushi.tw/kabaddi-in-tw/ accessed 24 September 2017. (in Chinese)
2017 (with Ying Man SO, Chak Ki YAU, and Ka Yi YIU) “Friendship, National Unity, and Social Integration: Rugby and Sri Lankans.” In Siumi Maria Tam, ed., Multiculturalism in Action: Being Home: Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan Hongkongers, pp. 49-55. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2016 “Shiaini maketemo kokorowa shouri! Kabaddi Nihon daihyo team” (Lost the Game, Won Our Hearts! Kabaddi Japan National Team). Chalo 72:28-31. (in Japanese)
2016 “The Forgotten History of the Gurkhas in Hong Kong.” Hong Kong Discovery 93:86-91.
2016 (with TAM Siumi Maria, Mario LIONG) Report on an Analysis of Ethnic Minority Ambassador Scheme Survey of Ethnic Minority Living Condition in Hong Kong (Research Report). Hong Kong: New Home Association.
2016 (with Ying-to CHAN and Ka-hei CHOW) “Sabash! Cricket and the Pakistani Community in Hong Kong.” In Siumi Maria Tam, ed., Multiculturalism in Action: Pakistani Footprints in Hong Kong, pp. 61-65. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2015 (with Nan TAN) “Kabaddi: Nepali Sports and Wellbeing.” In Siumi Maria Tam, ed., Multiculturalism in ActionThe Nepalis in Hong Kong: Social Marginalization, Discrimination, and Empowerment, pp. 41-42, 48-49. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2010 (with TAM Siumi Maria) Transnationalism and Drug Abuse: A Study on Nepalese Drug Abusers in Hong Kong (Research Report)Hong Kong: Narcotics Division.
2005 (with WU Sui Chu, HO Ping Au and LAI Ning Po) “Collective Memories in Transition.” In Siumi Maria Tam and Hon Ming Yip, eds., Tung Chung Before & After the New Airport: An Ethnographic and Historical Study of a Community in Hong Kong, pp.361-415. Hong Kong: Antiquities and Monuments Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
Selected Conference Presentations
2022 Participatory Action Research with Multicultural Youth in Hong Kong: Opportunities and Challenges in a Kabaddi Project. Paper presented at the International Society of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise Conference, University of Durham.
2021 Challenges and Strategies for Developing Community Sports in Neoliberal Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 11th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (Online conference).
2020 Intercultural Education and Sports: Teaching Kabaddi in a Multicultural Setting in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Conference on Gender, Language and Education, The Education University of Hong Kong (Online conference).
2020 Sports for Fun or Competition? Negotiating Sports Careers among Kabaddi Players in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference (Online conference).
2020 Minoritization of an Indian Sport: Kabaddi Development in Japan. Paper presented at The 29th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Sport Sociology (Online conference).
2019 Will Kabaddi Become the Next Major World Sport? Reflections on the Governance of National and International Federations in Kabaddi. Paper presented at International Conference of Sports History and Culture: The Olympics and the Asian Century, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, P.R. China.
2018 Realities and Aspirations: Kabaddi Players in Far West Nepal. Paper presented at The Annual Conference on Nepal and Himalaya, Social Science Baha, Nepal.
2017 Sport and Interculturalism: The Experience of Promoting Kabaddi to Achieve Social Integration in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Hong Kong Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
2017 Kabaddi in the Making: The Construction of National Sport in Contemporary India. Paper presented at Center of Urban History, Culture and Media annual conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2016 From “Purkha Diwas” (Public Memorials) to “Kabaddi” (South Asian Sport): Urban Aspirations of Nepalis in Post-colonial Hong Kong. Paper presented at Himalayan Studies Conference IV, University of Texas (Austin), US.
2015 Migration, Marginalization and Metropolitaneity: Negotiation of Masculinities of Nepali Drug Users in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Annual Conference, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2011 Traditions and Modernities: Contested Meanings over Drug Related Services for Nepalese Drug Users in Hong Kong. Paper Presented at Postgraduate Student Forum annual conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2011 Transnationalism and Drug Abuse: A Study on Nepalese Drug Abusers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Drug Conference, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong.
2010 Ethnicity, Drug and Transnationalism: A Study of Nepalese Drug Abusers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong annual conference, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2009 Transnational Experiences and Imaginations of Home of Young Nepalese in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences annual conference, Yunnan University, Kunming, China.
2008 From “Courageous Soldier” to “Fierce Gangster”: Remediation of Image of Nepalese in Hong Kong. Paper presented at East Asian Studies Graduate Conference annual conference, University of Toronto, Canada.
2003 Identity Negotiation between Religion and Sexuality: A Study of Gay Christians in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Columbia University Graduate Student Conference on East Asia, US.
Invited Talks
2019 “Interculturalism and South Asian Communities in Hong Kong.” Invited talk at Global Student Partnership co-organized by New Asia College, CUHK and Ewha Woman’s University, Hong Kong, 7 August.
2019 “South Asian Youth in Hong Kong.” Invited talk at Police College, Hong Kong Police Force, Hong Kong, 13 March.
2018 “Interculturalism at the Marketplace: Challenges and Opportunities in the Job Market for Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong.” Invited talk at Sha Tin Job Center, Labor Department, Hong Kong, 28 September.
2018 “Applied Anthropology and Fieldwork: Behavioral Studies of Ethnic Minority Drug Users in Hong Kong.” Invited talk at Community Drug Advisory Council, Hong Kong, 3 May.
2017 “Sports, Ethnic Minority, and Harmony: Kabaddi.”Invited talk at Division of Social Sciences, College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 26 October.
2016 “Globalization of South Asian Sport: Kabaddi in the Making.” Invited talk at University of Hokkaido Exchange Visit, Department of Japanese Studies, CUHK, Hong Kong, 4 November.
2016 “Exploring Gender Ideologies and Practices among Three Groups of Kabaddi Players: Japanese, Nepalis, and Punjabi Overseas.” Invited talk at Social Science Research Center, Sports and Body, Université de Tolouse III Paul Sabatier, France, 28 June.
2016 “Class and Ethnicity in the Making of South Asian Game Kabaddi: A Case Study in Vienna.” Invited talk at Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria, 7 June.
2015 “Migration, Marginalization and Metropolitaneity: Negotiation of Masculinities Among Nepali Drug Users in Hong Kong.” Invited talk at Department of Sociology, University of Macau, Macau, 21 September.
Selected Media Attention
Apple Daily “語言差別礙尼泊爾人戒毒” (20/1/2012)
AM730 “年輕有良好語言能力 少數族裔技能被忽視” (30/7/2015)
HK01 “中大多元文化行動種子撒校園 香港都有卡巴迪專家” (18/2/2017)
“人類學學者引入南亞運動卡巴迪:想透過運動互相了解” (16/4/2018)
HKCSS Channel “運動打破隔膜 了解彼此文化@齊玩南亞裔盛行的運動 – 卡巴迪Kabaddi” (16/10/2019)
Hong Kong Commercial Daily “少數族裔失業率高達7.2%” (30/7/2015)
Hong Kong Economic Times “了解本港多元民族節慶:歡騰以外的包容” (25/1/2018)
“以「南亞版麻鷹捉雞仔」推動共融” (7/12/2019)
Hong Kong Free Press “Kabaddi: The South Asian Contact Sport Breaking Barriers in Hong Kong” (26/12/2019)
Metro Radio
“香港多元文化節慶” (19/4/2018)
Ming Pao “少數族裔中 尼泊爾人吸毒最嚴重” (20/1/2012)
“尼泊爾人在香港如何過年?” (9/12/2017)
“卡巴迪達人鄧偉文南亞版麻鷹捉雞仔 「卡巴迪」拉近種族距離” (24/6/2018)
The News Lens “為甚麼我們要去了解香港的多元文化?” (26/3/2018)
NTU e-forum (Taiwan) “艱苦十年 台灣卡巴迪運動尋求政府支持” (26/9/2017)
Oriental Daily “9成少數族裔學中文感困難 嘆影響就業前途” (29/7/2015)
Prithvi Narayan Campus (Nepal) “‘Nepal is a country filled with vitality,’ Says Prof. Wyman Tang of the Chinese University of Hong Kong” (3/7/2015)
RTHK (News) “調查發現95%受訪少數族裔在港生活遇困難” (29/7/2015)
(Radio & TV)
《Gimme 5》“人類學係咩?卡巴迪係咩?” (4/5/2018)
《日常八點半(體育運動)》“我是體育人:卡巴迪” (19/12/2018)
《獨樂不如眾樂》 “卡巴迪篇” (9/2/2019)
The Saturday Squad: Kabaddi in Hong Kong (20/4/2019)
Teen Time: Kabaddi (14/2/2020 – 6/3/2020)
San Po Yan “手牽着手 打破種族隔膜-卡巴迪” (2019年5月)
Sharp Daily “居港尼泊爾人最早10歲濫藥” (20/1/2012)
Sing Tao Daily “語言成障礙 少數族裔難融合” (30/7/2015)
“港成立卡巴迪聯盟 南亞運動消除隔閡” (17/12/2018)
South China Morning Post “Putting Life Back Together” (27/8/2014)
“Hong Kong’s Ethnic Minorities Strive to Break Down Barriers” (30/7/2015)
“The Gurkha Soldiers who Stayed on in Hong Kong, and One Place they Settled: Yau Ma Tei, where Flavours of Nepal Abound” (25/5/2018)
“Kabaddi, Kabaddi, Kabaddi: Meet the Hong Kong Girls Smashing Cultural Stereotypes Through this Growing Indian Phenomenon” (30/5/2018)
Sun Daily “居港尼泊爾人濫藥最嚴重” (20/1/2012)
“九成少數族裔學中文感困難” (30/7/2015)
Ta Kung Pao “95%少數族裔以港為家” (30/7/2015)
The Standard “Language Difficulties Spell Trouble for Ethnic Minorities” (30/7/2015)
TVB – The Pearl Report The Nepalese (28/5/2016)
U Magazine “運動場上 We Connect” (23/1/2020)
Varsity “Catch Me if You Can: Kabaddi – A Sport that Brings Hongkongers of Different Ethnicities Together” (May 2019)
Vikatakavi (Tamil Magazine) “Kabaddi, Kabaddi… Kabaddi Defeated Cricket in Hong Kong” (9/6/2018)
Wen Wei Po “少數族裔教育差 失業率高一倍” (30/7/2015)
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