Final Year Field Project

Download ANTH4300/ANTH4301 Registration Form

All anthropology-major undergraduate students will do a Final Year Field Project (FYP) ANTH 4300 and 4301, under the supervision of a faculty member in the Anthropology Department. The purpose of the Final Year Field Project is to enable students to use all they have learned in their years of anthropology study to develop their own independent field project on a topic of their choosing, a project typically involving extensive fieldwork. In consultation with their supervisor, students will formulate their topic, investigate the background literature, design a research strategy, carry this research out, and then write a thesis. This is the culmination of undergraduate students’ study of anthropology at CUHK.

The FYP supervisor is selected based on consultation between the student and faculty members: students need to discuss their prospective project with teachers and choose their supervisor on that basis. The Department encourages timely planning of students’ Final Year Project (FYP), and recommends students to begin discussing with potential supervisors as early as possible. Starting Term 1 of 2015, the following arrangements will be carried out:

  1. Students should talk to our Department full-time teachers they are interested in working with and get the teacher’s consent to be their Field Project I and II Supervisor as soon as possible.
  2. Students will present the ANTH4300/4301 Registration Form to their Field Project I and II Supervisor to acquire their approval and signature as soon as possible at the beginning of the term.
    Students will then take the signed form to the General Office of the Anthropology on or before 15 September 2024 for Term 1, 2024-25; and 15 January 2025 for Term 2, 2024-25. (email the signed form to: ellen.lee@cuhk.edu.hk is also acceptable)
  3. Upon receiving the form with all necessary information, the Department Office will enroll the student in ANTH4300/4301 within the Department’s add-drop period.

Please note that students will not be able to add ANTH4300/4301 in CUSIS on their own. It is therefore essential that you submit the completed form to the Department General Office by the due date, in order to avoid delays in graduation. If you have any questions regarding the arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact the Field Project coordinator Dr. Wyman TANG.

Students can find our Department full-time teachers email contact here.

Students are expected to consult their FYP advisor regularly during the semester concerning the literature review, project design, fieldwork research, and thesis writing. Every student is required to meet their supervisor regularly (for example, once every two weeks) —it is the student’s responsibility to make appointments with the supervisor and to keep those appointments. Students who do not regularly meet with their advisor will at minimum receive a lower grade, and they risk failing. This is a requirement beginning 2011-2012.

By the end of the first semester, each student must submit a report (of roughly 25 pages) to the supervisor detailing the student’s initial findings. For the second semester, the same filing process is required as in the first semester, with forms signed by both the student and the supervisor. By the end of March, all students will submit a first draft of their FYP thesis to the supervisor for feedback. In order for this schedule to work, all students are encouraged to finish their fieldwork by the end of December and start writing once the new semester starts. This schedule will also allow supervisors to time to read the first draft before the Undergraduate Student Forum.

The Undergraduate Student Forum will be scheduled around the last week of April. Each student will prepare a five-minute presentation and deliver it in front of the Department’s faculty members, students and other interested public. Participation at the Forum is mandatory. The presentation will be marked by the audience and the marks will be presented to the supervisors for their decisions regarding a student’s final grade of the FYP course.

The final version of the FYP thesis should be submitted at the end of the semester. Each thesis is required to be around 50 pages or 13,000 words. The thesis must be typed and must follow the department style.

Here are some useful links relating to FYP:

Projects of the FYP Forum awardees in the past years

Examples of past FYP papers: Hong Kong Anthropologist

Library Guides (These are webpages students could start with when they are searching for anthropology and archaeology related library materials.)
Archaeology and cultural heritage

CUHK Committee Against Sexual Harassment (Homepage)
Examples of sexual harassment

Application for Department’s subsidy on FYP:

As some Anthropology students may have significant expenses in doing their FYP research. The Department would like to help out.

Students need to write a one to two page document describing their research and anticipated expenses.

Our Department can pay up to $1000 for each student who is awarded reimbursement; as little as $200 is also plausible as an expense.

We can give a total of 3-5 awards. We will base these awards on:

  1. the persuasiveness and comprehensiveness of a student’s statement
  2. secondarily, a student’s anthropology GPA

(*The Finance Office will require the student to provide the official/written payment receipt(s) for reimbursement)

Please submit your application (if any) by emailing to Ms. Kathy Wong (kathyw@cuhk.edu.hk) on or before:
15 September 2024 (for T1, 2024-25)
15 January 2025 (for T2, 2024-25)

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